
Know It All Joe

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Flatline – Doctor Who Extra: Series 1 Episode 9

Doctor Who Extra Title Card“Flatline” – Episode 9 of this 8th season of “Doctor Who” has finally brought the show up to par.  We have a fantastic mystery, a compelling villain(s) or monster(s), a situation the Doctor has never seen before, and a storyline that someone can actually follow with an ending that doesn’t make you go “huh?”

Doctor Who FlatlineThe story opens as the Doctor is on his way to take Clara home after another adventure.  Problem one: he lands 150 miles off course.  Problem two:  The Tardis’s entrance/exit has shrunken and is nearly impossible to squeeze through.  Problem three:  People in town are mysteriously disappearing.  To make matters worse, the Doctor eventually gets trapped in the Tardis and it’s up to Clara to help solve the mystery on her own (almost).  The Doctor can see and here everything she does but can only help her from his now tiny Tardis (which Clara carries in her purse).

Doctor Who Flatline 2This season has seen its hits and misses, but this episode was definitely a huge step up.  And I think we’re at the point now where the show has found its footing again.  Also, how great was the scene where the Doctor had to walk the Tardis off the train tracks using only his hand through the door.  Classic!  This episode definitely has a rewatchability factor to it.

So the first video below is a short introduction to this current episode.  It is then followed by Episode 9 of “Doctor Who Extra” and the preview for next weeks episode “In the Forest of the Night.”  I’ve also included some production art for “Flatline” below the videos (courtesy of the BBC Website)  and some random shots from the episode as well.

The 2Dis

Tardis Ear Piece 2

Tardis Ear Piece

Modified Optician's Glasses

Tardis Cube Mode

Graffiti Mural

Doctor Who (series 8) ep 9

Doctor Who Flatline 4

Doctor Who Flatline 5

Doctor Who Flatline 6

Doctor Who Flatline 7

Doctor Who Flatline 8

Doctor Who Flatline 9

Doctor Who Series 8 (episode 9)

Doctor Who Series 8 (episode 9)

Doctor Who Flatline 12

Doctor Who Flatline 13

And Last but not Least… A Doctor Who Halloween

Doctor Who Halloween
