
Know It All Joe

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Know It All Joe’s “Star Wars Episode VIII” Wish List

Star Wars Episode VIII TitleBefore “Star Wars Episode VIII” comes out on December 15, 2017 there is actually only one thing on my wish list I’d like to see in the film.  I want the following picture to come true. 

I actually want Luke to shrink down and climb onto Rey’s back all Yoda-like and make her train in a jungle.  Why, you ask?  Because the force came just too easy for her in “The Force Awakens.”  No training was involved.  She just ‘knew’ how to use it.

Naw!  She should have to struggle a bit in order to learn how to utilize that damn thing.  So mini-Luke in a sack on her back.  A few days of that and I’m satisfied — she can then be a Jedi.

Luke and Rey Training Star Wars Episode 8
