
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More

Know It All Joe’s “Supergirl” Observations

Supergirl Pic 77I’m still very much on the fence when it comes to CBS’s “Supergirl.”  Though I like all things Super, this show, and it’s girl empowerment message that it not so subtly tries to jam down your throat, seems to be stuck in the 90’s somewhere along with that other sub-par Super show “Lois and Clark.” 

Though “Supergirl” is brought to you by the same folks who created those highly entertaining CW shows “Arrow” & “The Flash,” it really doesn’t match up to the caliber of those two shows.  Which is a shame because there is so much potential there.  It’s just at times I find that “Supergirl” can be cringe-worthy (see video below). 

Supergirl Pic 22I still have an issue with the lead (Melissa Benoist) because I just don’t feel that she is a strong enough actress to pull off the role.  And that “golly-gee” attitude just gets grating after a while.  To be fair, maybe it’s not her but the crappy material she’s presented with and the direction she’s given.  Either way, this show is going to need a bit of a shake up in the writing department if it’s going to survive.  And I certainly hope it does.  Like I said, I like all things Super.  And I would love to see it improve and move on to a second season.

On a side note, for all of that girl empowerment talk they like to do on the show, they sure do put her in the tightest cloths every week.

And that being said, it’s time for my two main observations — which are —

Supergirl doesn’t like mean girls!


My Cat Watches Too Much Supergirl
