
Know It All Joe

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Know It All Joe’s Truth in Advertising – The McRib

A few days back, my curiosity got the best of me.   I hadn’t had a McDonald’s McRib in years.  I remembered liking it.  I remembered wrong!  Their Ad should read like this.

McDonalds McRib Final Ad

I’m convinced the reason they keep taking it away and bringing it back is because they want you to forget just how much it sucked that last time it made its way around.  I took two bites of this thing and tossed it.  YUCK!  Seriously, what the hell is it?  If ‘gross’ was a food, it would be the McRib.  I’m hoping the next time it goes away, it stays away.  Just like many of my favorite childhood things don’t stand the test of time, neither does the McRib.  Though it tastes like it has been sitting around since my childhood. 

And just to be fair to the rest of McDonald’s menu, nothing there should be considered food. 
