
Know It All Joe

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Lorenzo Semple Jr. and the Batman Scripts

10628-lorenzo-semple-jrLorenzo Semple Jr. was a screenwriter and playwright who is probably best known for his contributions to the 1960’s campy television show “Batman”  starring Adam West as the caped crusader and Burt Ward as his trusty sidekick.  Semple helped to develop and write for the series, including penning the feature film version based on it.

Flash-Gordon-flash-gordon-23444671-1024-768His other screenwriting accomplishments include “Flash Gordon” (1980), “King Kong” (1976), “Three Days of the Condor” (1975), and “Never Say Never Again” (1983) along with many others.

Mr. Semple just recently passed away of natural causes on March 28, 2014 at his home in Los Angeles.  He was 91 years old. 

adam-west-batman-costumeI would say that he left behind quite an impressive resume. His work will be enjoyed for generations to come.  So I thought I’d present a few writing samples from one of his most famous works that turned into a pop culture phenomenon – that, of course, being the ‘60’s “Batman” TV series.

What I have below is the script for the Pilot episode of “Batman” along with one other script from the series.  I’ve also included the script for the feature film he wrote based on the series.

So atomic batteries to power and turbines to speed – let’s get to it!

Click HERE to read the Batman Pilot
Batman Pilot Cover

Click HERE to read the episode “Fine Feathered Finks”
Batman Fine Feathered Finks Cover

Click HERE to read the Batman Feature Film
Batman 1966 Screenplay Cover

“Batman” 1966 Movie Trailers
