
Know It All Joe

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News Flash!!! Execution Gone Wrong Goes Right

Death PenaltyChaos ensued when an execution in Oklahoma resulted in death. And that’s pretty much the gist of it.

An inmate by the name of Clayton Lockett (convicted of murder and rape) was sentenced to die by lethal injection yesterday. But something went wrong; the drug (midazolam) didn’t properly take effect and in the process one of his veins burst resulting in a heart attack. From the time Lockett was first inject it took another forty-three minutes for him to die.

And the problem that people have here? He didn’t die that way they wanted him to (or as someone there probably said “We killed him wrong”). Apparently it’s more humane to murder someone through drugs than to induce a heart attack (which is what they essentially did). And now investigations will ensue and the headline will probably read…

State orders investigation into why convicted murderer died during execution.

mind_your_head_631425I’d say heads will roll, but if these people used a guillotine, they’d probably forget to sharpen it first. Look, I’m not going to go into the whole ‘the death penalty is right or wrong’ argument. I’m not even going to give my view on it here. And I know very little about Clayton Lockett’s case. That’s not what this is about. It’s about the absurdity of the fact that the state committed to putting this person to death and now people are throwing a tantrum because he died differently than how they envisioned.

I get the humane angle. And I understand people’s delusions that killing someone humanely makes it all right. I sure as hell wouldn’t condone torturing someone to death (which is what some are comparing it to). But the lesson here is if you are going to commit to this course of action, sometimes shit goes wrong.

So let’s just get to the actual truth here: When an execution doesn’t go smoothly, it only reminds people that someone is actually being murdered. Sure, it’s convenient when they just pass away quietly. It seems natural and almost as if it’s right. But when they start flailing and convulsing… well, you get the point.  It just ain’t all pretty and flowery like we’d like everything in life to be.

People are calling this a botched execution and yet he died. Give that some thought.

Now here are some pictures of puppies to take some happy away with you.

Puppy 4
Puppy 3
Puppy 2
