
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More

Wonder Woman’

The “Justice League” Trailer Has Arrived! With Screenshots!

Justice League Pic 28If you didn’t get enough superhero action today with the “Wonder Woman” trailer or the Netflix Marvel trailers, then here’s another one to chomp on.  Warner Bros. has just released the first trailer for Zack Snyder’s “Justice League.” 

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The “Wonder Woman” Trailer Debuts!

Wonder Woman Title CardAnother goodie has been bestowed upon us from this weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con.  The first trailer for director Patty Jenkin’s “Wonder Woman” has been released.  And it’s no disappointment.

Gal Gadot returns as the titular character in her first solo big screen debut.  As everyone is aware by now, we got our first taste of her in this year’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.”  Most people credited her with being the best part of that film.  If anything, it was certainly exciting to see Wonder Woman on the movie screen for the first time.

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It’s A Shiny, Brand New “Batman v Superman” Trailer (and Poster)

Batman v Superman PicWhat most likely is the last new full trailer for “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has arrived this morning. 

There’s new footage to be found in it, including a kick-ass Batman scene, but the theme pretty much remains the same.  Batman doesn’t trust Superman because of that Metropolis destructo-fest in “Man of Steel” and decides to do something about it. 

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The New “Batman v Superman” Trailer has Arrived! With Screenshots!

Batman v Superman Main PhotoOn Tonight’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Ben Affleck helped to introduce the new trailer for next years fleck (uh, I mean flick) “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.”  This comes on the heels of Jimmy Kimmel’s last superhero trailer reveal with “Captain America: Civil War.” 

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First Photo of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman

Here is the first just released photo of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman from the upcoming “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” flick.  I get a bit of a “Xena: Warrior Princess” vibe here.  I know they have to go the real world route with the costume in order for it to fit in, but… no blue panties?  I don’t think I like the real world! 

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Marvel Changes Characters! DC To Follow? A Justice League Overhaul!

Captain America Female ThroA female Thor? The Falcon as Captain America? Change is on the horizons, folks! And the people over at Marvel are leading the way.

Apparently a woman from Thor’s past picks up the mantle (and the hammer) while Steve Rogers’ friend, Sam Wilson (aka The Falcon), dons the Cap outfit and adds the indestructible shield to his aerial abilities.

Read more on Marvel Changes Characters! DC To Follow? A Justice League Overhaul!…