
Know It All Joe

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Trop Tard Movie Rating System

What is a Trop Tard?  Well, the French to English translation says it means “too late.”  But the Know It All Joe to English translation literally means “big budget flop starring top movie stars.”  I’ve since decided to loosen up the literal translation to cover a more broad range of terrible films.  So the official meaning of the term “Trop Tard” is as follows…

Lone Trop TardTrop Tard [träp -tahrd] noun
A really bad movie. 

Usage:  “Wow, I just went to see the sequel to the “Hangover.”  That was a real trop tard.”
Or “I just saw “The Avengers” today.  What a fun movie! That was definitely no trop tard.”

Trop Tard posterOrigin:
2011; Paris, France
A movie poster unfortunately discovered by Know It All Joe. 




So how does the official Trop Tard rating system work?  Very simple.  The higher the Trop Tard count, the worse the movie.  In other words, it works the opposite of every other movie rating system. 

Please refer to the following chart.

Trop Tard Rating System Final Update