
Know It All Joe

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Know It All Joe’s “Weirdo of the Week” (Red Skull)

Red Skull Weirdo of the WeekHave you ever wanted to look like the Red Skull, the archvillain from “Captain America?”  I didn’t think so.  I don’t think the Red Skull wanted to look like the Red Skull.   But this superfan certainly did.  Thirty-seven year old Henry Damon of Caracas, Venezuela, (who now officially goes by the name “Red Skull”) took artistic expression to a whole ‘nother level.  And probably one that no one on the planet Earth should go to.

Henry Damon Red Skull 3This isn’t makeup that this fan applied.  He had a medical school dropout by the name of Emilio Gonzales (who does this sort of thing for a living) make modifications to his face.  Damon (Red Skull) had part of his nose removed, facial implants, well, implanted, and lots and lots of tattoos applied to his face.  This includes tattooing his eyeballs as well.  (Ouch!  I mean really… Ouch!)  All so he could look like the Red Skull. 

He doesn’t look anything like the Red Skull.

Henry Damon Red SkullSupposedly, he underwent physical and psychological tests.  I do sort of doubt that, though.  I do realize that there are lots of body mod enthusiasts out there.  But come on!  This is taking it just a little (as in a lot) too far. 

To make matters even more interesting, Damon (Red Skull) is both a husband and a father.  Now that is what I call the ultimate supportive family.  And as much as I despise reality shows, I think that is one that I would certainly watch.

Henry Damon Red Skull before and afterSo congratulations Henry Damon (Red Skull)!  You are Know It All Joe’s “Weirdo of the Week.”  And possibly “Know It All Joe’s Most Popular Dad at your Kid’s School… of the Week.” 

And if I ever felt the need for plastic surgery, Emilio Gonzalez has convinced me otherwise.

The Real Red Skull (well, as in make-believe).

Red Skull
