
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More


“Guardians” and “Doctor Who” Star Karen Gillan Chops Off Her Hair (Video)

Former “Doctor Who” companion and “Guardians of the Galaxy” badass Karen Gillan chopped off her hair to play the role of Nebula in “Guardians.”  Hey… ‘A’ for commitment.  But when you look like her, you could probably chop off an arm and a leg and still look just as good.  

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Into the Dalek – Doctor Who Extra: Series 1 Episode 2 (Video)

Into the Dalek - Doctor Who Extra_ Series 1 Episode 2 (2014).mp4.Still002It’s still to early in Capaldi’s run to truly judge the new direction of the show.  But so far, I really like it.  I’m taking to him quicker than I did Matt Smith (who eventually really grew on me).  But as much as I like the show thus far, we haven’t really gotten a good grasp on who this new Doctor is or who he is becoming.  It may be intentional or it may be that Capaldi and Moffat was still searching for the new Doctor’s voice at this point.

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Homer Simpson Takes on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Video)

Well, if you read one of my previous posts, you’ll know my take on this whole Ice Bucket Challenge thingy.  But I do like some of the videos.  So now I guess it’s time for “The Simpsons” to get involved.  And you know if Homer is doing it, it’s got to be a worthy cause (that must have donuts included somehow). 

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Jennifer Aniston Returns to “Friends” (Video)

So Jennifer Aniston ended up on the “Friends” set once again.  Well, Jimmel Kimmel kind of made her do it.  He wrote a script for a new episode and insisted that she return to the role that made her famous.  And speaking of friends, a couple of hers showed up to help with the scene. 

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Behind the Scenes Preview of Batman Prequel “Gotham” (Video)

Gotham TV Series Pic 72A new 21 minute behind the scenes preview for Fox’s upcoming Batman prequel “Gotham” has surfaced.  It premieres Monday, September 22. 

I’m not a big fan of prequels, especially ones based on characters that will never actually appear.  Bruce Wayne is a kid in the series.  So unless they flash forward at some point, we will never see Batman.  Though I have a feeling he’ll actually show up in the final moments of the series finale before they cut to black (and then cue the Joker laugh). 

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Ren & Stimpy Creator at Los Angeles Comic Con (Pics)

Ren-Stimpy-ren-and-stimpySo I’m doing a little bit of a follow-up to my autograph gripe from a week and a half back.  Though this one’s not a gripe.  I just wanted to make mention that John Kricfalusi (Ren & Stimpy’s creator) was also at the Los Angeles Comic Book and Science Fiction Convention on August 17, 2014, not only signing autographs but also doing caricatures and original Ren & Stimpy artwork for the fans.  Prices could reach up to $150 but since this man is an actual working artist (yes, I realize that actors are artists too) and he wasn’t just simply signing his name and smiling for the camera, I think his prices were very justified. 

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