
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More


Know It All Joe’s Vintage Week (Plus Giveaway Contest)

Know It All Joe Vintage Week PicMany times since the beginning of this site, I’ve provided downloadable content such as TV and Movie Scripts, Photo Novels, Storyboards and such that you might not find elsewhere on the net. So for the remainder of the week I thought I’d throw up a bunch of various things from older and more popular films that you might not have seen before. Many of these things are in the forms of Press Books, Movie Souvenir Books and an occasional Press Kit or two (all downloadable).

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Blast to the Past with the Fotonovel

Close Encounters fo the Third Kind FotonovelWhat is a Fotonovel you ask?  They are these cool little books with wall to wall photos and word balloons.  They are very similar to comic books, only they are using real photos from television episodes or feature films and are presented in a paperback book format.   And for some strange reason, I am absolutely fascinated by these things.

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