
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More

‘Doctor Who’

Doctor Who: Series 8 2014 – ‘Rain’ Trailer

Doctor Who Series 8 Rain Trailer Pic 18So here’s the deal.  This is not an official BBC Trailer for “Doctor Who” Series 8.  It’s a ‘Fan-Made’ trailer, but a brilliant one at that.  A YouTuber who goes by the name “John Smith” does these incredible, and extremely professional looking, “Doctor Who” visual effects videos.  This one is definitely worth a minute and seventeen seconds of your life or I wouldn’t post it here.  And it would be a crime if I didn’t add a bunch of screenshots from it. 

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Time Traveling with “Doctor Who The Movie” Script

Doctor Who Title CardThere are various rumors that tend to pop up from time to time about potential a “Doctor Who” movie in the works.  Back in the early 90’s, Johnny Byrne wrote a film draft for one of these potential films.  The story revolved around the Doctor, his companions, bad guys, powerful crystals, the Tardis traveling through space and time, and the prevention of a nefarious plot.  In other words, the usual Doctor Who episode times two, with the budget of a feature film.

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Doctor Who Season 8 Behind the Scenes

Doctor Who CapaldiI know these videos have been making the rounds lately but I wanted to throw them up here anyways.  They were taken during some on-location filming of “Doctor Who” season 8.  I, for one, am very much looking forward to what they have planned for this new season.  And I thought that Peter Capaldi was a real bold choice to play the next incarnation of the Doctor.  And let’s face it folks, if this show was produced in the U.S., they would have cast the role young again to appease that all important demographic.  Now I’m not exactly knocking that, but I do love the brave decision that the BBC made in casting the role older again (and thereby keeping the formula fresh).  I think that Capaldi is going to knock it out of the ballpark.

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Scripting Through Time: “The Horns of Nimon” Doctor Who Script

I’ve been a huge ‘Doctor Who’ fan since before I could drink and fu…. uh, err, ummm… I mean to say drink milk and have fun.  Yay!  Milk and fun. 

The Horns of Nimon (4)My first and favorite ‘Doctor Who?’  Why Tom Baker of course.  I’m not ashamed to admit that I used to go to ‘Doctor Who’ conventions when I was a kid.  Though I may not admit it on a first date – or a second, maybe third or tenth date.  Probably best to wait until after the wedding.  (Let’s just say that I’m very happy ‘Doctor Who’ has finally gone main stream.) 

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