
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More


A Scene From “Batman v Superman” (Plus Kimmel Parody)

Batman v Superman PicA full scene from the upcoming superhero flick “Batman v Superman” has been released online.  In the clip, it seems that Batman and Superman are having a little tiff.  It’s probably over a woman.  It’s always over a woman.  I’m sure in the end they’ll shake hands and go grab a beer.  As they say, bros before hos.

Read more on A Scene From “Batman v Superman” (Plus Kimmel Parody)…

SNL’s “Bern Your Enthusiasm” With Larry David (Video)

Bern Your EnthusiasmEvery so often I think to myself “why the hell won’t Larry David do another season of ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm?’” 

My understanding is that HBO would welcome it with open arms.  But interviews with Larry over the last few years have indicated that he is skittish to return to that well one last time.  He has gone on record as saying that he doesn’t like doing ‘finales’ especially since the fallout from that “Seinfeld” fiasco many years back.  So I’m guessing maybe that’s his hesitation.  He knows he would probably only return one more time and he doesn’t want to take any crap if he ended it on a low note.  I certainly think it’s worth the risk.

Read more on SNL’s “Bern Your Enthusiasm” With Larry David (Video)…

First Minute from “The X-Files” Revival Plus Jimmy Kimmel Parody and Sizzle Reel

X-Files Title CardFox (maybe Mulder) released the first minute from the premiere episode of “The X-Files” 6-part revival. 

In the clip, David Duchovny’s Fox Mulder gets us up to speed on who he is and what the X-Files are about. 

Read more on First Minute from “The X-Files” Revival Plus Jimmy Kimmel Parody and Sizzle Reel…

It’s a “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Calvin and Hobbes” Mashup

Star Wars Calvin and Hobbes TitleRight now, I know that you’re sitting around thinking to yourself “what would it look like if someone combined Star Wars with Calvin and Hobbes?”  Well, I’ve got great news for you.  Someone did it.

Read more on It’s a “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Calvin and Hobbes” Mashup…