
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More


The Amazingly Horny Spider-man

First off, this is a tad racy so if you are easily offended, avoid this article and click HERE for fuzzy feelings.

And with that said, from the look of these pictures, it seems as though someone has a full-on spider chubby. Shame on you, Spider-man. You have both Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane to handle these types of things.

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Brain Dead Bob’s The Amazing Spider-man 2 Review

PosterHello gang,

I thought I’d do something a little different with “The Amazing Spider-man 2” review and turn it over a contributing writer who likes to go by the name of ‘Brain Dead Bob.’ Or if you’re a really good friend, he allows you to just call him ‘Brain Dead’ or ‘BDB’ for short. When I asked him why he chose the pseudonym‘Brain Dead Bob’ all he gave me in return was ‘what’s a pseudonym?’ I felt it was best to stop asking him questions at that point.

Read more on Brain Dead Bob’s The Amazing Spider-man 2 Review…

The Amazing Animated Spider-man Script & Writer’s Guide

spider-man-animated-1994Spider-man: The Animated Series that aired on Fox from 1994-1998 was the best of all the animated Spider-man programs to date. Each episode actually consisted of a story and an attempt at character development.  As storytelling in live action television seems to have evolved over the years, many of these animated programs (not included the prime time ones) have de-evolved.  I feel as if the newer animated programs have really been dumbed-down and their target audience seems to be aimed at five year olds (which is fine if you’re a five year old). 

Read more on The Amazing Animated Spider-man Script & Writer’s Guide…