
Know It All Joe

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The Truth Behind South Park (with Video)

South Park Grounded VindaloopIf you care about “South Park” SPOILERS for an episode that has already aired, then turn away now.  Yeah, I didn’t think so.  Read on.

On this week’s current episode entitled “Grounded Vindaloop,” Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and Butters are stuck in a virtual reality world, or so they think.  Actually, they’re not sure.  And we the viewer aren’t sure.  Up until the very end when (SPOILERS) we come to find that it is only Stan that is stuck in the virtual world.  And when he finally takes off his Oculus Rift goggles and reenters the real world, we get this.

Real Kids of South Park

South Park is apparently nothing more than a virtual world that the real Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and Butters play in.  And as Stan puts it, “It’s pretty cool, but the graphics suck!”  Indeed they do.  But it’s no less entertaining.  Best episode of the season thus far.

Here’s the end clip.
