
Know It All Joe

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Into the Dalek – Doctor Who Extra: Series 1 Episode 2 (Video)

Into the Dalek - Doctor Who Extra_ Series 1 Episode 2 (2014).mp4.Still002It’s still to early in Capaldi’s run to truly judge the new direction of the show.  But so far, I really like it.  I’m taking to him quicker than I did Matt Smith (who eventually really grew on me).  But as much as I like the show thus far, we haven’t really gotten a good grasp on who this new Doctor is or who he is becoming.  It may be intentional or it may be that Capaldi and Moffat was still searching for the new Doctor’s voice at this point.

The main problem I’ve had with the show as of late is the character of Clara.  I like Jenna Coleman, the actress who portrays her.  But I just feel as if she is the weakest of the Doctor’s companions thus far.   They are definitely trying to develop her a bit more this season, but I feel as if it may be a little too late.  I can’t put my finger on it, but the character just doesn’t work for me as well as the others have in the past.   I do think the dynamic between her and Capaldi is much better then it was with Matt Smith.  Smith had too much energy and I don’t feel as if Jenna Coleman was able to keep up as well as Karen Gillan was able to. 

Jenna Coleman Clara OswaldColeman definitely fits in better now with the slower pace of the show.  It would be a bit sad to see her go if the rumors of her departure at year’s end is true, but it may benefit the show at this point to bring in some new companion blood (though I do realize they just introduced a new one – Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink).  Plus, it may be time to once again to give us a companion who doesn’t think they are smarter than the Doctor.  He is supposed to be around 2000 years old, right?  Unless, of course, the companion is 3000 years old and is actually smarter than the Doctor.  Hey, not a bad idea!  That would be an interesting dynamic.  Either way, Tom Baker would never allow anyone to think they were smarter than him.  That was a Doctor with confidence.  Most likely false confidence, but confidence all the same.

Here is the second episode of “Doctor Who Extra.”  The preview for next weeks episode “Robot of Sherwood” follows.
