
Know It All Joe

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“Creed” Anatomy of a Scene and Behind the Scenes Footage

Creed Rocky“Creed” which is basically the 7th film in the “Rocky” series was released a few weeks ago and has done very well at the box office and garnered very favorable reviews.

I really enjoyed the film and felt that if they were going to continue the “Rocky” series it was a very smart direction to go.  It just seemed like the logical choice to turn Rocky from fighter to mentor.  Okay, they did try this in “Rocky V” to less than stellar results.  But they did get it right this time.

One of the more impressive scenes in the film is when Michael B. Jordon’s Adonis Creed goes into the ring for his first big-time professional fight.  They did this in one long take as the below video explains.  It’s narrated by the film’s writer/director, Ryan Coogler.

The video right below that shows that apparently it’s not always safe playing pretend boxing as Michael B. Jordan seems to have taken a real punch which knocked him out.

After that is some behind the scenes B-Roll which is always fascinating to watch.  And finally I’ve added the trailer for the film, just in case you’ve never seen a “Rocky” film before (silly talk, I know) and want to know more about the plot.
