
Know It All Joe

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Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show” Bizarre Verbal Tic (Quirk)

stewart-thinkingI like Jon Stewart and I enjoy the “Daily Show.” I just wanted to state that before this next little bit.

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Jon Stewart visited “The Howard Stern Radio Show” on Sirius.  The interview lasted a little over an hour.  And as with all of Stern’s interviews, it was very interesting. But during the course of the interview, I noticed a little bit of a verbal quirk (or tic) that Jon Stewart would express when acknowledging Stern. At first, I thought nothing of it, but as the interview progressed, it became considerably apparent.

jon_stewart2I realize this may seem like a nitpick, but it did take me out of the interview a bit. It went from mildly amusing to extremely annoying, but eventually navigated its way to comical.

I realize that most of us probably have certain tics or quirks we are not aware of unless someone points them out to us. So here is me pointing out Jon Stewart’s tic or quirk.   I’ve strung everything together in the video/audio below.

So “yeah, yeah, yeah” and “righ, righ, right.”  Nobody’s perfect.
