
Know It All Joe

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The Very First Know It All Joe “Duhhhh” Award

Know It All Joe Duhhhh AwardHello and welcome to the very first Know It All Joe “Duhhhh” award.

On March 24, 2014, at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, an eight-car train by-passed its destination and instead came to a stop someplace else.  I quote’s two detail-oriented reporters who are credited with this story (or as I like to call them, Mr. & Mrs. Obvious)…

“The lead car appeared to have climbed an escalator adjacent to the passenger platform.” 

Here’s the Picture. 

Train ran up Escalator

I love the writers use of the words “appeared to have climbed.”  I think we can commit a bit more to it, dontcha?

And I’d like to add another quote from the story…

“A union official told reporters last month that the train’s driver may have fallen asleep.  “There are indications that she dozed off, yes.”

Indications?  And what indications would those be, I ask?

So therefore, I bestow upon the very first Know It All Joe “Duhhhhhhh” award.  Great reporting, CNN!  Keep up the good work.
