
Know It All Joe

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Nightwing: The Series? Yup! Here’s the Trailer!

Nightwing_ The Series - Trailer (Fan Film).mp4.Still002Have you ever wanted to see a Series based on Batman’s grown-up sidekick? As every good geek knows, Dick Greyson (Robin) leaves Batman’s side and goes off to fight crime on his own as the vigilante known as Nightwing.

Nightwing_ The Series - Trailer (Fan Film).mp4.Still001Some folks have gone off and funded (through Kickstarter) a fan-made five part mini-series for the character. The web series premieres September 29th on YouTube.

Want more info? Here’s their Facebook Page.  And CLICK HERE for an in-depth interview with Series Director Adam Zielinski posted on

Trailers away!
