
Know It All Joe

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The Coens’ “Hail, Caesar!” Trailer, Take 2!

Hail, Caesar TitleUniversal Pictures has released the second trailer for Joel and Ethan Coen’s new flick “Hail, Caesar!” 

The new trailer mostly consists of one scene between Ralph Fiennes and Alden Ehrenreich with a few quick cuts following. 

George Clooney Hail, CaesarTo me, the Coen’s have always been a bit of a hit and miss, but one thing they certainly do very well is character.  And it looks like there’s plenty of it here.  I’m really looking forward to this one.

The movie is due for release on February 5th of this year.

The Stars:

Josh Brolin, George Clooney, Alden Ehrenreich, Ralph Fiennes, Jonah Hill, Scarlett Johansson, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, and Channing Tatum.

The Synopsis:

“Eddie Mannix (Josh Brolin) is a Hollywood “fixer” helping the production of the upcoming film entitled Hail Caesar starring famous actor Baird Whitlock (George Clooney). When a hungover Whitlock is kidnapped by a group named The Future, Mannix is the one in charge of collecting $100,000 and rescuing him.”

The Trailer:

The Poster:

Hail, Caesar Poster

Some information for this article was confiscated from Wikipedia!
