
Know It All Joe

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“Creed” or “Rocky 7” First Official Photo

Sylvester Stallone has posted the first official photo from the upcoming “Rocky-ish” movie titled “Creed” on his Instagram account

This film is considered to be more of a spin-off than a sequel.  As they say, a passing of the torch.  Rocky doesn’t fight in this one.  Instead he takes on the role of trainer to Apollo Creed’s grandson (Michael B. Jordan), who goes by the name Adonis Johnson.

I’ve always enjoyed the “Rocky” films.  I recently watched a marathon of all six.  And believe it or not, “Rocky V” (considered the weakest of the series) actually plays much better when viewed in this way.  But if you watch it as a stand-alone, it does fall a bit flat. And it would have been disappointing if the series had ended with that one. So in a strange way “Rocky 6 (Rocky Balboa)” does make number five a better film.

“Creed,” or as most people will refer to it, “Rocky 7” hits November 25th.

Creed Sylvester Stallone Michael B. Jordan
