
Know It All Joe

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New “Terminator Genisys” Trailer

Terminator Genisys Title CardWarning: This trailer has some serious plot SPOILERS in it.  You will be SPOILED if you see this.  And with that said… onward we go!

Yes, a new trailer was just released for the sequel/reboot/remake/relaunch/rehash to the “Terminator” franchise, confusingly spelled “Terminator Genisys.”  

I love the “Terminator” films.  Even the bad ones.  I liked “The Sarah Conner Chronicles” for the most part.  So I am very much looking forward to seeing this new film. 

Terminator Genisys Arnold SchwarzeneggerThis trailer basically shows that they’ve thrown everything plus the kitchen sink into this movie.  It’s basically a combination of all the films that have come before.  But since everyone has seen those films they had to throw something new in.  And concerning this new plot twist, they were supposedly going to do something similar to this particular character in “Terminator: Salvation” but wisely choose to go a different route.  Sorry to sound vague, but if you chose not to see the trailer, then I don’t want to give this plot twist away.

Terminator Genisys CastI’ve read many talkbacks today on other sites that had people asking why they would reveal what they did in this new trailer.  And I think that reason was because the last trailer took so much crap from fans they decided to show everyone that they were indeed doing something new with this film.  Their hands were sort of tied in their advertising campaign by concealing this major plot point.  Ultimately, I guess they probably thought “what’s the point of hiding something if no one is going to see the movie.”  Some people are clearly pissed, but at least it now has them more interested in seeing the film.  So it sort of worked (or at least has them talking).  But yes, I would have liked to have been surprised, especially since I was going to see this movie anyways.

I think the problem with the “Terminator” franchise to date is that after “T2” it just seems to be rehashing the same story.   Nothing is being propelled forward.  Like I said, even this trailer shows they are hitting all of the same plot points as the previous films (and TV series).  With “Terminator Genisys” it seems as though they took all of the prior movies and put them in a blender.  Same film, but they changed the order of things and threw in a secret ingredient with the plot twist.

Terminator Salvation“Salvation” at least tried to introduce us to something new and moved things into the future.  Though many felt it was a failure, mostly because it didn’t focus strictly on the character of John Conner and show us the dark, apocalyptic world that people had come to expect from the other films.  Truth be told, I didn’t mind it so much.  Though maybe a bit misguided in it’s conception (and casting), the movie entertained me. 

Anyhow, I find myself almost reviewing a movie that I haven’t seen yet so I’ll stop and reserve judgement until after I view it.  But I’m guessing I’ll probably get a kick out of it.  I just hope that with this new trilogy (if it makes it that far) we finally get some closure to the Conner story.  Which doesn’t necessarily mean we have to say goodbye to the “Terminator” universe.

Oh yeah, here’s that trailer.  SPOILERS AWAY!  And HERE’S a link to the official website.  The movie hits July 1st.

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