
Know It All Joe

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Game of Thrones “The Mountain and the Viper” Graphic Screenshots

Game of Thrones Title CardLet me start by saying these pics are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!  Yes, it’s not real.  It’s only TV.  But they are gross all the same.

The “Game of Thrones” episode these come from is entitled “The Mountain and the Viper.”  It aired Sunday, June 1st, 2014.   I thought overall the episode was all right.  Violence, of course, but nothing out of the ordinary for “Game of Thrones.”  As the episode approached the end, I just figured it was going to be a quiet one leading up to the last two epic episodes of the season.  I was wrong. 

They squeezed in at the end what I would consider one of the best duels (and most grossingly graphic ones) I think the show has done as of yet.  The fight was between Gregor Clegane (aka The Mountain) and Oberyn Martell.  As for why they were dueling, well, if you don’t watch the show there is really no point in discussing it here.  I’m just here to show pics from the duel leading up to the extremely gross (I keep using that word) ending. Why, you ask?  Because I just had to.

So if you are squeamish, don’t look at these.  They went all out this time.  Even for them, this was pushing it graphic wise.  I have to tell you, I kind of miss the days TV would just imply things and leave it to your imagination.  This was worse than my imagination. 

Here some pics.  Click to Enlarge.
