
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More

Star Wars Episode VII New Set Photos

Star Wars LogoIt pains me to say this but you have to give it to TMZ.  Those sons of bitches have spies everywhere.  As despicable as I find their site at times (which is almost all times), it is stupidly entertaining.  They’re like an ex-girlfriend that you really hate, but continue to be drawn back to.  Though I am tempted to take their bus tour.  

In the photos, it looks as though they may be doing some scenes that take place on Tattooine.  But now, didn’t Luke say in Star Wars “I’m never coming back to this planet again.” Well Luke, never say never!  Second time back.  The pics highlight some vehicles, settlements, a new creature, and a bunch of extras in Star Wars garb.

Since TMZ obviously went through the trouble of planting a spy or torturing some poor kid to obtain these photos, you may want to head over to their site and click on an advertiser or two to make them all happy and world dominating.

Click HERE for their original story.

