
Know It All Joe

Entertainment, Pop Culture, News, Reviews, Humor and More

Pee-wee and Son? Know It All Joe’s Thought of the Day

Pee-wee HermanSo I watch this show “Gotham” on Fox.  You know, the show about Batman, but without Batman.  Well, he’s there, but he’s a kid still.  He’s at least fifteen to twenty years away from donning the cowl.  In truth, the show is about Gotham City before The Batman arrives.  So instead we follow the exploits of Detective James Gordon before he becomes Commissioner.  And to tell you the truth, I really like the show.  It sucked me in.  But I’m getting off track as to what this post is about.

Robin Lord TaylorOne of the main players on the show is a chap by the name of Robin Lord Taylor.  He plays Oswald Cobblepot (The Penguin).  And he does a fantastic job in role.  But the more I look at him, the more he reminds me of a young Pee-wee Herman.  So I know they are making a new Pee-wee movie for Netflix (Pee-wee’s Big Holiday).  But I thought that if they were to make another one at some point, he would be perfect in the role of his son.  Pee-wee with a grown son, especially one that takes after him (or Pee-wee tries to mold his son to be more like him).  Now that would be something I would want to watch. 

What do you think?

Fun Fact: Paul Reubens played The Penguin’s father in the 1992 sequel “Batman Returns.”  Therefore, this would be quite an inside joke.

Pee-Wee and Son
